On March 25th, DAO Labs celebrated the first year of functions of DAOVERSE, the main and biggest of its Social Mining platforms. This hub has, at the moment of writing this note, over 24260 members who chose this working place as a side job and -why not- a community to belong to.

We celebrated an open election for our SocMins to decide who was the better among them, who inspired or had the best relationship with other platform members when working on task challenges or Twitter Program performance. We proposed some categories in which people just had to fill in names, count the votes and announce the winners of the SMotY (the prize’s name, derived from the initials) in a special live broadcast on our Telegram channel.

Now, is it possible that something so meaningful like appointing a Social Miner of any Year could teach us a little more on how to improve leadership and group participation? How to read this election’s results to have a better understanding on how this Social Mining community works and members relate to each other?

These are complex to respond to questions and it’s expected that the company leadership knows the answers to deliver a better community experience for everyone, although this responsibility totally relies on members’ work and societal behavior. As Head of Community of DAO Labs, it’s a normal thing to analyze whatever is happening in it and plan better group strategies to extend the kind of caring measures that Social Mining is trying to establish as norms of good work, fairness and respect.


What do the Daoversian of the Year awards categories mean?

Back on December 22, we posted an article on our blog in which we made a quick hub summary based on the most active platform social miners, showing numbers and results of miners’ performance, as a user's recap to have a snapshot on basic activity. We realized there was something missing almost immediately after that. If we are trying to create a self-regulated and decentralized community, we should know who would lead and help to develop it from within, not from DAO Labs perspective, so we had to look for other features present in our community members.

As DAO Labs Research Unit, we analyzed the contents of 25K comments posted on our Telegram channel from December 19th 2022 to January 30th 2023 to find out keywords in our community members and evaluate their vision and interests while having conversations among them or with Admins. The plain outcome is that Social Miners use this channel as means of platform information, task guidelines or inspiration, personal posting amplification support and, last but not least, social amusement.

Telegram - Member use by Topic

This is why, besides of wanting to know who had the highest markup as Creator or being the Daoversian of the Year, the DAO Labs Core Team came up with categories derived from how Social Miners used our Telegram Channel, what could rationally satisfy them as a social group and reinforce the idea of decentralized use and self-regulation.

We needed to find a Community Leader, a Mentor and an Active promoter of that kind of channel. If people identified repetition and liked it would appoint a Rookie or if they recognized someone’s activity valuable although not so amplified or self-promoted would think of an Underdog.

And we went for an open election. We let everyone pick their favorites just to keep out any systemic bias. Let’s show and comment only the Top-5 voted in every category, and comment on the special highlights we found.


What were the Overall results of the Daoversian of the Year election?

After the election announcement we made available a community only open-access and self-selecting Google Form for 96 hours (72h + 24h extension) for people to vote. These are the results.

A total of 515 voters filled the form. Even though this number may look small according to DAOVERSE membership size, it is remarkable in a poll as this one.

SMotY 2023 - Voting Activity

As the graphic shows, people rushed in to vote during the first day and it peaked a little when we announced an extension. It’s possible that in a longer period of consultation we could have had more voters to cast their opinion. This election, being the first of its kind in our ecosystem, is a success in terms of participation. Representativeness is always self-evolving in every community.

11 votes were invalidated for being casted by users whose accounts were suspended during the voting period.


Who was the Underdog Daoversian of 2023?

Every community has silent and loud members and we are not an exception, although the workload is generally good in engagement and quality content. The winner was Koreen Paquibot, DAOVERSE's ckoreenful, with 51 votes.

SMotYs 2023 - Underdog SocMin

The Top-5 most voted Daoversians in this category totalized 183 clicks steadily and with almost the same vote count, and many SocMins with one or two clicks. A good thing to mention here is that the 6th contender, Maria Novero, got 25 votes, just 1 below the 5th named in the chart. This shows how even was this category and how many appreciate the majority of activities.

Who’s the Rookie Daoversian of 2023?

This is the category with the greatest number of self-appointed candidates. A grand total of 51 people said they would fit as Rookie of the Year but we have a Heavy Hitter here.

SMotYs 2023 - Rookie of the Year

Having totalized 98 votes out of a total of 263, Airene Tagudiña, DAOVERSE's Air777hnna, became the first Rookie of our Ecosystem by winning with a good margin. This Daoversian has become what we may call a rising star in our ecosystem, as many SocMins point out and enjoy her many contributions, like with her memes and constant Telegram presence.


Who was the Most Active Daoversian of 2023?

The DAO Labs Telegram Channel has an incredible vitality. On a regular day, its users would interact with at least 1K messages that range from greetings and help or support requests of the members. It’s maybe one of the healthiest features of our Social Mining Community.

SMotT 2023 - Active Daoversian

Few members were appointed as the most active. The Top-5 took 456 of the votes, and as you can see, it was a close call to make. Cherry Belgera, DAOVERSE's beautyqueenamara, narrowly got to lead this category. Cherry, one of our finest Admins, was recognized by her constant disposition to help and cheer our most public space.


Who’s the Mentor Daoversian of 2023?

With just one year, our community has a lot of users that don't yet know Social Mining as a good source of income and need a hand when it comes to our procedures to onboard, publish, share or simply having a good community experience.

SMotYs 2023 - Mentor Daoversian

In this category, Akindele Hambolu and Vicky Singh amassed more than the half of the total community, but DAOVERSE's VickySinXD took the majority of those: 144 out of 435 total counts of the Top-5 segment. The constant gentle presence of this user made the community feel they can have a hand to help them.

 Who’s the Leader Daoversian of 2023?

As a sidewinder of mentorship, a community leader comprises many good rallying qualities, and many times is considered the right asset to keep good spirits and spread proper information throughout the Ecosystem.

SMotYs 2023 - Community Leader

With 112 total votes within the Top-5 voted, DAOVERSE's Akinde5, was selected by the community, barely topping VickySinXD, who took the 2nd place in this segment.


Who’s the Top Creator Daoversian of 2023?

As a community of content creation, this is one of the main categories to search and look for since it depends on how the other Social Miners really see their most productive peers, regardless it is more about designing, composing or developing more complex contents.

SMotYs 2023 - Top Creator

Votes were almost evenly distributed in this segment but a simple majority picked Alex Batongbakal, DAOVERSE's dCodeX21, as favorite. His dexterity and relaxed style on video creation, picturing himself on selfie Memes granted the Community Seal of quality.

It is valid to mention 2 special cases in this category: The 6th most voted member was ckoreenful (31), one position above one of the first most celebrated members, nelsoninno (25).


Who were the Daoversians of the Year 2023?

Is it possible to get a tie in the most important category of an election? Rules stand for a single winner by simple majority, but sometimes it is not the fairest decision to make. Vicky and Cherry had only one vote difference, why not split the title into two winners? They had plenty of nominations by the community, both of them had more points accumulated than the rest. Why not give them, and the DAOVERSE Ecosystem that satisfaction?

Social Miner of the Year 2023

These two Social Miners, Language Chat Admins on our channels, have proven to be great, honest, kind and quality workers on our Ecosystem, and community favorites as well.


On behalf of the Core Team, Development, Marketing, Research and Community units of DAO Labs, we thank and applaud these brilliant DAOVERSE assets, and to all the Daoversians who participated in this election.

Keep up the Good Work.

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