The X Program in plain words

The X Program in plain words

Every now and then, new and even old members of our community ask how they can produce better, more valuable content for the X Program in any of our platforms, which is no rocket science at all and it’s mainly about preparing nice posts -or just repost curated posts-. The Social Mining X Program (FKA Twitter Program) is a great way to boost your earnings with your X social account by creating or reposting posts about the projects' Hubs. Nonetheless, some people will try to push the boundaries of it, sometimes with ill consequences for them.

The key is to make great posts and keep the game for everyone. Now, is there a tutorial for that? There’s plenty out there, but let’s try to keep a simple Do’s and Don’ts set, and explain what happens to those who want to game the system.

How do you create valuable X posts?:

As quality and engagement are key to producing valuable and -therefore- getting more points for your work, try to follow this tips

  1. Be Concise: Shorter posts generate more interaction. According to X, copies with fewer than 50 characters result in more engagement than copies with 50 to 100 characters. Less is more! Or just...
  2. Go for Maxyposts or Threads: Because sometimes more displayed information will bring attention to your post, making your account more interesting to get more followers in the process. If there's a trending topic, join the conversation with useful and original content with YOUR POINT OF VIEW. Link it to your target project when you mention relevant events or news as long as it's really interesting.
  3. Consider your Followers: Don't hesitate to ask them to take action on what you research and present. Whether it's a Repost, a Like, or a choice, make it simple, achievable, and fun. For example, including "Please repost" can increase reposts up to 4 times.
  4. Use the Hub Hashtags Correctly: Only Post with hashtags  related to the provided keywords and mentions indicated in the Hub. These are guaranteed to maximize your visibility.
  5. Know Your Audience: Ensure your posts are relevant to your target audience. Include images and/or multimedia to enhance visibility. And, of course, don't forget to analyze your results for continuous improvement.

What to avoid in your X posts for Social Mining?

As we provide a steady source of income for our Social Miners, we encourage them to provide quality work and be respectful to the Hubs they work for and all the community members. In other newsjacking activities, spam or promotional grey areas of bulk advertising, users misuse their X accounts to boost their profits, which is forbidden on any of the DAO Labs Social Mining Hubs.

When creating posts on X for Social Mining, our X Program will reject these tampering attempts that you should avoid:

  1. Low quality content: For vague it may seem, you will not get engagements in your posts if you don’t produce them with aims to inform or contribute to the community. Poorly written, low readability, unrelated elements, will make your audience aware that you are not really in this for the project or the community. DAO Labs and its community members will reward you for your commitment, not for your will to make easy money by posting whatever comes out of your mind. 
  2. Stealing intellectual property: This is a felony in most countries, yet it is a common practice to paraphrase anything but -in reality- make a verbatim copy of it, and claim it to be an original statement. Using a Social Miners’ original content, written or visual, without the author’s permission in any of our hubs will cause you a point penalty and suspension. Plagiarism will not be tolerated on any of our platforms. It’s the same when you pretend to use your already validated content to repost it yourself as a fresh post. If you’re not making an effort to learn and contribute with your thoughts to any community, you don’t deserve compensation for it nor being in our community.
  3. Vicious hashtagging and mentions: Another dumb way to game the system is to tag tendency hashtags and mentions to a totally unrelated Social Mining legit content to try to increase algorithmic exposure on X. Some people even have tagged projects from different Social Mining projects from different hubs in a single post, trying to get earnings in all of them with one effort. This inorganic way to boost your account is the quickest way to be flagged by our automated X Program.
  4. Buying followers or engagement: The most sophisticated and expensive way to game your Social Mining X activity is by using services to boost your following count with fake characters or engagement numbers. Our developers can detect the breadcrumbs left by these procedures quite easily and have methods to identify, flag and inform us about the trespassers.

Why not repost instead?

For some Social Miners who don’t have time to produce content to repost or won’t perform tasks to get points or REP, the Repost feature of our program is an almost passive way to earn just by heading to check-in in the platform, go to to Twitter Module and verify the new content available to repost. After all, the program will reward users who repost curated posts according to every account’s reach and engagement possibilities, and if not all accounts or hubs have the same weekly limits for it -nor enough new posts- the Program will compensate accordingly, so no one is left behind.

Again, this is useful to healthy, well groomed, organic build and real X accounts. That means that you must observe all the strict rules of X social while staying away from vicious spammy behaviour and must we remind, again, that DAO Labs is not responsible for the misuse that some X accounts exhibit and that X Social will suspend those accounts if they show spam or illegal content.

What should the X Program trespassers (and Multiple account holders) expect?

We have said it many times in our Telegram channel, in comments or interviews: Social Miners should observe a basic set of rules if they want to remain earning on our platforms. Otherwise, they will face penalties that go from suspension to ban, with loss of accumulated points and REP, which could be permanent for relapse cases.

Must we mention the efforts of our Development Team, always sharp and vigilant, creating new ways to catch and stop attempts to tamp our Social Mining platforms.

In Q1 2024, we detected a significant number of Social Miners using non-related hashtags in their X posts with the obvious goal of boosting their engagement numbers and while we were adapting our X Program to avoid compensation to them we found that some of those users were involved in manipulating their X posts to make them look more viewed, liked and shared, through paid 3rd party services. Those Social Miners were suspended from collecting points, and people who didn’t comply and relapsed were banned for good, with no compensation.

Something similar happens to those who hold multiple accounts and use different methods to disguise themselves -like if they were many more- while literally stealing money from many other Social Miners trying to make a decent side income with our platforms. We have many ways to detect them, and we ban them. Some of them try to come back, with more sophisticated methods, and we find them again. And we always will. We spend time and resources in keeping this dream clean and fair for all honest Social Miners and we will prevail.

We cannot dictate how people should be or behave in their private lives but if they remain in this Social Mining community they should act kindly towards other members, embrace knowledge about the projects we are subscribed to in our ecosystem and seek a common and great earning place. That's all what we ask at DAO Labs. 

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